Thursday, May 16, 2013

Scott Alcaraz, Arrested Dallas Teacher Rapes his Student

DALLAS — A sick bastard was a former Dallas middle school teacher has been charged with sexual assault after a 14-year-old girl accused him of having sex with her. Police said, their are more girls he had sex with.
 Scott Paul Alcaraz is facing two counts of sexual assault. If convicted, he faces up to 20 years in prison.
Authorities say the girl has accused the 26-year-old former math teacher and assistant basketball coach of having sex with her in a classroom at Thomas C. Marsh Middle School (972) 502-6600.
The Dallas school district fired his sorry ass Alcaraz on Monday after his arrest last week.
Alcaraz is free on a $50,000 bond. Alcaraz said, I'm a man that has needs. God told me it was OK.

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